Monday, May 18, 2009

New Contest for May!

Happy May -

To start something new, I'll be offering a monthly contest.
This month I am offering a $25 gift certificate to Panera.

Here are the rules:

1. Fill out the CONTACT form on my website
2. Leave Comments on my blog

1 person will be drawn from all entries received by 5/31/09 at 11:59 PM. You will receive 1 chance for filling out the CONTACT form and one additional chance for every comment you make on my blog not facebook, between now and 5/31.

There will be lots of new content to the blog this weekend and next - check it out!

Good luck!



  1. Seriously, a free lunch! post your comments.

  2. Great photos for 60 years!

  3. We have a winner --- Drum roll, please...

    Congratulations to jangdiafoto for being the lucky winner of the May 2009 contest!

    Your $25 Panera cards will go out this week!

    Look for another fun contest in June!
